Gloomhaven – an RPG campaign and a tactical combat game in one box

Gloomhaven – an RPG campaign and a tactical combat game in one box

Gloomhaven – an RPG campaign and a tactical combat game in one box

Have you thought about getting into a fantasy RPG, but struggling to find a Game Master to lead the campaign, or wishing for a unique fantastical setting that you haven’t heard much about? Or perhaps you’re more of a board gamer and wouldn’t be too keen on putting role-playing at the forefront?


Enter Gloomhaven.

You may have heard about it! After all, this game is still holding the number one position on the popular Board Game Geek website, 3 years since being released.


This stellar tactical combat game invites you to explore the world of Gloomhaven and immerse yourself in a fantasy adventure, RPG-style. You can emphasise on the role-playing aspect, or simply have it as a flavoursome afterthought to the tactical element of the game – your choice! The narrative is rich and full of twists and turns, and the strategic side of the game offers depth and dynamism.




In Gloomhaven, players go through scenarios one game session after another, their choices dictating how the campaign will proceed. This is a Legacy-style game, so one game session’s end will be another’s beginning, creating an ongoing narrative. Ultimately, each player’s decisions will shape the story and outcome of the game! Sounds grand, but wait – you say – what’s the catch? With all its vastness and depth, the game might appear daunting with its myriad of components and relatively dense rules. How can we enjoy Gloomhaven without digging through quite literally over 10kg worth of gaming material?


Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion

The answer lies in Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion – a standalone game that takes place before the events of the original Gloomhaven. New characters, new monster types, unique adventures, but most importantly – fewer rules and components. Learn faster and start playing sooner! Released earlier this year, Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion is already reaching top scores on Board Game Geek, and who knows, maybe it will push its predecessor off its seemingly unshakable throne.


These great cooperative games, along with expansions and add-ons, are available on Gumnut.


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