Warhammer Age of Sigmar SKAVENTIDE - Expressions of Interest Now Open!

Warhammer Age of Sigmar SKAVENTIDE - Expressions of Interest Now Open!


If you're as excited as we at Gumnut are, then you want to get all the info as soon as it's available.

Good news then! We are now accepting Expressions of Interest* from customers via email.

Want to get up-to-date release information, pricing, and place orders?
Shoot through your details to info@gumnut.com.au and get updates as they're made available.

Skaventide marks the beginning of the new Warhammer Age of Sigmar release. Pitting the forged Stormcast Eternal warriors against the vicious Skaven horde, the boxset contains 74 miniatures, Core Rulebook, Spearhead: Fire & Jade Book and everything players need to get straight into the warfare and start a new chapter in the Age of Sigmar universe.

* Whilst Gumnut will take all efforts to supply any Expressions of Interest, we cannot guarantee all Interested customers will be able to receive stock. We at Gumnut will do our utmost to supply as many customers as is possible from stock provided by supplier.

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