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- 2D Jigsaws
Holiday Gift Ideas
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Board or Card Game Type
Classic Game Type
Living Card Game
LCG Type
Card Game Set
RPG Type
Jigsaw Type
Logic Puzzle Type
Accessory Type
Minimum Players
Maximum Players
- 1 player
- 2 players
- 3 players
- 4 players
- 5 players
- 6 players
- 7 players
- 8 players
- 10 players
- 12 players or more
RPG System
Number of Pieces
Game Complexity
Minimum Age
Game Mechanic
- Area Control / Area Influence
- Auction/Bidding
- Card Drafting
- Cooperative Play
- Deck / Pool Building
- Memory
- Pattern Recognition
- Press Your Luck
- Role Playing
- Set Collection
- Storytelling
- Take That
- Tile Placement
- Trading
- Trick-taking
- Voting
- Worker Placement
- Expansion for Base-game
- Action / Dexterity
- Adventure
- Animals
- Bluffing
- Card Game
- City Building
- Deduction
- Economic
- Educational
- Environmental
- Exploration
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Humor
- Medieval
- Memory
- Murder/Mystery
- Music
- Negotiation
- Pirates
- Racing
- Real-time
- Renaissance
- Science Fiction
- Word Game
- Chess Sets
- Travel
RPG Complexity
RPG Mechanic
- Attribute or Stat Based
- Class Based
- Description Based
- Dice (Primarily d20)
- Dice (Primarily d6)
- Dice Pool
- Level Based
- Point Based
- Progression Tree
- Race Based
- Random Attribute Generation
- Skill Based
- Alderac Entertainment Group
- Ankama
- Awaken Realms
- Blackrock Games
- Blue Cocker
- Blue Orange Games
- BoardGameTables.com
- Capstone Games
- Cards Against Humanity
- Catan Studios
- Czech Games Edition
- Dan Verssen Games
- Days of Wonder
- Devir
- Drei Magier
- Fantasy Flight Games
- Gale Force Nine
- Game Brewer
- Gamewright
- Gigamic
- Hanayama
- Hasbro
- Iello
- Indie Boards & Cards
- Jumbo
- Libellud
- Lucky Duck Games
- Mattel
- Meeple
- Megacorpin Games
- Modiphius
- Oink Games
- Orchard Toys
- Pandasaurus Games
- Plan B Games
- Portal Games
- Puzzles and Games Specialists
- Red Raven Games
- Repos Production
- Starling Games
- Stonemaier Games
- Thames & Kosmos
- The Melbourne Map
- Think Fun
- Thunderworks Games
- Tuesday Knight Games
- Ubon
- University Games
- Van Ryder Games
- White Wizard Games
- Winning Moves
- Winning Moves Australia
- Wizards of the Coast
- Wonder Forge
- Z-Man Games
- Zygomatic