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Issue 474 of Miniature Wargames we have another great selection of rules and scenarios as we contemplate more time at home.
On the cover is Busted: a WWII Tank scenario called “Das Fahrzeug Kaput Ist” that has you play a crew of a broken down AFV defending it against attack with FREE rules to download Plus there’s a FREE sprue of five Wargames Atlantic Panzer Lehr right on the front cover.
In Send 3 and 4 pence: The map is not the country Conrad Kinch offers some thoughts on getting out and walking battlefields plus – for wargaming - scouting terrain and random generation of the unexpected difficulties it sometimes brings to the table top.
In Desert Dump Attack, author Brendan Wheatley uses his DAK ATTACK! rules to play a small skirmish LRDG game.
In By the Sword Decided, Arthur Harman answers the question: what happens to your ECW Player Characters’ when the bullets fly. Determining your their fate in a ‘bolt on’ system for any game rules.
In Command Decision: South of the border Jon Sutherland takes us way down Sumeria way: an Assyrian assault in 2000BC with more chariots than you can roll a wheel at. And all done using 20mm plastics!
In our build of practical Wargames Scenery we have two entries, both themed for the issue: a Biblical Granary and some Czech anti-tank obstacles .
Finally, we have the review sections with a crop of Defence in Depth for Figures and rules, Quartermaster for scenery and accessories plus we have Forward Observer for news and Recce for insightful book reviews.
Last Word proves that Charity begins at the Spalding Wargamers.