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RPGs - Fantasy
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Playing Cards Type
RPG Type
- Accessories
- Alternate Rules
- Campaign Setting
- Core Rules
- Non-Game Book
- Quick Start Rules
- Scenario Adventure or Module
- Solitaire Adventure
- Sourcebook
Miniatures Type
Novelty Type
Accessory Type
RPG System
- 13th Age
- 5e Game System Product
- 5e Game System Product (DandD 5th Edition Compatible)
- A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying
- AD&D First Edition (1e) Compatible Products
- Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (1st Edition)
- Amazing Tales
- Animal Adventures
- Ars Magica (4th Edition)
- Basic D&D Compatible Product
- Basic Dungeons and Dragons
- Blades in the Dark
- Call of Cthulhu (7th Edition)
- Dark Fort
- Dishonored - The Roleplaying Game
- Dungeon World
- Dungeons and Dragons (5th Edition)
- Dusk City Outlaws
- Fate Core
- For Coin and Blood
- Forbidden Lands
- Fragged Empire
- Generic or Universal
- Glitch
- Hack the Planet (BitD)
- Heart - The City Beneath
- Hero Wars (1st edition)
- HeroQuest (2nd Edition)
- Honour
- Invisible Sun
- Kids on Brooms
- Labyrinth Lord
- Lamentations of the Flame Princess
- Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game (5th Edition)
- Monster of the Week
- Monsterhearts
- My Little Pony - Tails of Equestria
- Mörk Borg
- Old School Reference and Index Compilation (OSRIC)
- Old-School Essentials Retro Adventure Game
- Our Traveling Home
- Paleomythic
- Part-Time Gods
- Pathfinder Roleplaying Game (1st Edition)
- Pathfinder Roleplaying Game (2nd Edition)
- Pathfinder System Compatible Product
- Quantum Black
- Rangers of Shadow Deep - A Tabletop Adventure Game
- Robert E. Howard's Conan - Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of
- Root
- Root - The Tabletop Roleplaying Game
- RuneQuest (1st and 2nd Editions)
- RuneQuest (3rd Edition)
- RuneQuest (MRQ)
- RuneQuest - Roleplaying in Glorantha
- Ryuutama
- Savage Worlds
- Shadow Sword and Spell
- Shadowrun (5th Edition)
- Shadowrun - Anarchy
- Shadowrun - Sixth World (6th Edition)
- Sol Tabletop RPG
- Spire
- Starfinder Roleplaying Game
- Starfinder System Compatible Product
- Swords and Wizardry
- Symbaroum
- Talisman Adventures
- The Burning Wheel (Revised Edition)
- The Burning Wheel Gold
- The Ninja Crusade Second Edition
- The One Ring (2nd Ed.)
- The Skeletons
- The Watch
- The Witcher
- Thirsty Sword Lesbians
- Through the Breach (1st and 2nd Editions)
- True20
- Unity
- Upwind
- Vampire - The Masquerade (5th Edition)
- Warhammer Age of Sigmar - Soulbound
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (4th Edition)
- Wrath and Glory
- Action and Adventure
- Action or Adventure
- Adult and Mature
- Adult or Mature
- Animal
- Animation and Comics
- Animation or Comics
- Childhood
- Corporations
- Crime
- Culture
- Fantasy
- Generic and Universal
- Generic or Universal
- History
- Horror
- Kid-Friendly
- Martial Arts
- Mecha
- Modern
- Multiverse
- Mythology and Folklore
- Mythology or Folklore
- Occult
- Politics and Government
- Science Fiction
- Social
- Steampunk
- War
- Weird and Surreal
- Weird or Surreal
Paint Range
Minimum Age
RPG Complexity
RPG Mechanic
- 'Diceless'
- Action Table
- Attribute or Stat Based
- AttributeorStat Based
- Cards
- Class Based
- Description Based
- Dice (Percentile)
- Dice (Primarily d10)
- Dice (Primarily d12)
- Dice (Primarily d20)
- Dice (Primarily d2orcoin)
- Dice (Primarily d4)
- Dice (Primarily d6)
- Dice (Primarily Fudge or dF)
- Dice (Primarily Fudge/dF)
- Dice (Primarily FudgeordF)
- Dice (Specialized)
- Dice (Various)
- Dice Pool
- Dice Step
- Exploding Dice
- Exploding Dice (Die may 'explode' into a second roll)
- Free-form
- GM-less
- Grid-based
- Level Based
- Lifepath Character Generation
- Point Based
- Progression Tree
- Race Based
- Random Attribute Generation
- Roll and keep
- Skill Based
- Trait or Aspect Based
- Trait or Aspect Based
- 9th Level Games
- A Couple of Drakes
- AAW Games
- Angry Hamster Publishing
- Arc Dream Publishing
- Atlas Games
- Awkward Turtle Games
- Black Armada Games
- Blackfisk Publishing
- Bleak Horizons Press
- Bully Pulpit Games
- Buried Key
- Buried Without Ceremony
- Burning Wheel
- By Odin's Beard RPG
- Catalyst Game Labs
- Chaosium
- Cloven Pine Games
- Coins and Scrolls Publishing
- Creature Curation
- Cubicle 7 Entertainment
- Dark Horse Books
- Dark Horse Publisher
- De Architectuart
- Design Ministries
- Directsun Games
- Escape Plan Games
- Evil Genius Games
- Evil Hat Productions
- Exalted Funeral Press
- Expeditious Retreat Press
- Extra Dimensional Publishing
- Fantasy Flight Games
- Flying Nightbear Games
- Free League Publishing
- Gale Force Nine
- Gallant Knight Games
- Game and a Curry
- Geek Tank Games
- Genesis of Legend
- Ghostfire Gaming
- Gila RPGs
- Glittercats Fine Amusements
- Glyphtide Games
- Golden Lasso Games
- Goodman Games
- Green Ronin Publishing
- Gumnut
- Half Meme Press
- Half-Monster Games
- Hatchlings Games
- Hit Point Press
- Imagining Games
- Infinite Black
- Inkwell Ideas
- John Wick Presents
- Jon Boyle
- Khepera Publishing
- King of the Castle Games
- Kobold Press
- Kotodama Heavy Industries
- Lamentations of the Flame Princess
- Legendary Games
- Less than Three Games
- Loke BattleMats
- Long Tail Games
- Lumpley Games
- Lunch Break Heroes
- Magpie Games
- Magpie Publishing
- Melsonian Arts Council
- Metal Weave Games
- Minion Games
- Modiphius
- Monster Fight Club
- Monte Cook Games
- Montford Tales
- Mothwin Productions
- Mythworks
- Ninja Division
- Ockult Ortmastare Games
- Onyx Path Publishing
- Open Ended Games
- Osprey Publishing
- Paizo
- Pandion Games
- Paradigm Concepts
- Peach Pants Press
- Pelgrane Press
- Pendelhaven
- Pendlehaven Games
- Penguin
- Petersen Games
- Pinnacle Entertainment
- Possible Worlds Games
- Possum Creek Games
- Privateer Press
- Purple Duck Games
- Quantum Black Games
- R Rook Studio
- R. Talsorian Games
- Random House Publishing
- Ravendesk Games
- Reality Blurs
- Reaper Miniatures
- Reliquary Game Studios
- Renegade Game Studios
- River Horse
- Rogue Games
- Rowan, Rook & Decard
- Rowan, Rook and Deckard
- Rugose Kohn
- Samjoko Publishing
- Sandy Pug Games
- Scratchpad Publishing
- Scryptid Games
- Shouting Crow
- Silverarm Press
- Skull Dixon Designs
- Snowbright Studio
- SoulMuppet Publishing
- Square Enix
- Steamforged Games
- Steve Jackson Games
- Studio 2 Publishing
- Superhero Necromancer Press
- Sweet Potato Press
- Swords Edge Publishing
- Tao Games
- The Gauntlet
- The Hutchingsonian Presents
- Third Eye Games
- Third Kingdom Games
- Troll Lord Games
- Twelve Pins Press
- Ulisses Spiele
- Ulisses US
- Ultra Pro
- Wet Ink Games
- Whimsy Machine Games
- Wizards of the Coast
- WizKids
- Wyrd Miniatures