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Fluxfall Horizon is a Powered by the Apocalypse RPG involving players who "lance" or jump from parallel Earth to parallel Earth, originally starting from an ultra-tech future and wrestling with both local problems as well as secret personal objectives.
Fluxfall Horizon includes:
Key Features
The Playsheets
What do you do in the game?
The player's character, or Lancer, has two main considerations: the Team's Put Right and their personal Secret Objective. The Put Right is prominently displayed on the handheld device that lances them to each new parallel Earth. It is a local problem or conundrum that may be as small as returning a cow to its rightful owner to as large as restoring the planet's atmosphere.
The Put Right, as well as the NPCs and parallel Earth details, can be quickly generated with roll tables.
Each Lancer's Secret Objective is meant to create tension among the group, and is specific to the faction being played.
Whenever lancers fail to operate their Fluxtech equipment or otherwise mess up a jump, they cause damage to the Continuum. This results in an immediate fluxfall, or jump from from their current parallel Earth to a new one. In practice, the world all around them changes in only one or two ways. But the way it changes can create drastic problems for the Team.
Likewise, by completing Put Rights, the Team can reverse the damage done to the Continuum and improve their situation. Unfortunately, some Lancers might put their Secret Objective at a higher priority than the Put Right, thereby creating more problems!
What are the Moves?
There are intended to be few moves in this game in order to create a more casual and approachable gameplay experience:
There are no specific GM Moves listed, to keep things simple for newcomers to the PbtA paradigm . Instead, there is a list of tools that GMs can use in the fiction to keep the story rolling.
The Setting
A Darkness Gathers
The year is 2390 where your lancers begin, and the world is a mostly peaceful place. Fluxtech has been around for decades, but has yet to transform Home Earth, at least in any ways that are known to the general public. But as the five Factions share this technology and dabble in parallel worlds, no one sees what might be coming from beyond the quantum horizon. These external threats are listed in the Stretch Goals of this project, and are lightly detailed in the free PDF "Fluxfall Horizon: Timeline."
The Timeline
Any parallel Earths game where you spend most of your time in gonzo alternate dimensions is quickly going to leave your starting Earth way behind in the rear view mirror. What matters most in Fluxfall Horizon are what the lancers bring with them: their secrets and their psychological baggage in terms of how they view themselves (see doubles/doppels) and how they view certain others (see special connections).
So what is the point of a timeline of Home Earth, a long history of things that lancers will immediately leave behind? The historical details in this supplement are simply intended to provide a springboard for ideas. By having a backdrop of history (or at least a framework), a GM can hopefully be inspired to generate scenarios that have some connection to the technology, politics and history of a world that the lancers once knew.