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QUICK FIRE!Your fellow wargamers tell us about their recent hobby projects.
OBSERVATION POSTNews and reviews of new miniatures, models, and more.
RELEASE RADARIn our new regular feature Dom Sore tells us about the exciting new hobby releases that have made a big blip on his Release Radar!
FULL PAPER JACKETWhat new book releases have piqued Neil Smith’s interest this month?
THEME:WELCOME TO ‘WHAT IF’SFolks from the wargaming world throw ‘what if’ gaming randomicity your way!
BUILDING A FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR RAILWAY STATIONTony Harwood brings half a century of model making experience to the pages of Wi with a build of Courcelles railway station.
THEME:THE LEPER TERRORISTS OF FRANCEDr Steve Tibble introduces us to a tale of medieval madness, moral panic, and great ‘what if’ gaming potential set in 14th Century Paris.
PAINTING VICTRIX’S NEW NORMAN INFANTRYThis article inaugurates Wargames Illustrated’s new in-house painter Marc. Before his first ‘cuppa’ had even brewed, we plonked some plastic Norman Infantry on his desk and he created this handy painting guide.
THEME:STORMING THE DANEVIRKEColonel (Retired) Bill Gray returns to the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein and ponders a ‘what if’ that was mere hours away from happening.
BLAM! BLAM! AARGH! SNATCH!Did last issue’s free rules leave you hungry for more grid gaming action? Have no fear, Daniel Mersey is here, with a new scenario for his game of Blam! Blam! Aargh!
COVER MOUNT FOCUS:KITBASHING YOUR REDCOATSWe rummage through the bits box, wield the scalpel, and apply some green stuff and paint to this month’s cover mounted figures.
THEME:“THE OUTRAGE AT JEDDO”Pete Brown presents an unusual samurai skirmish game involving those sneakiest of spies and assassins – the ninja!
ENTRENCHING A BIG GUNBarry Evans takes a Victoria Miniatures artillery piece and adds an impressive trench emplacement to create a vignette.
THEME:RAID ON FIERY CROSSBob Giglio and Dennis O’Toole put forth a hypothetical raid on a Chinese military facility in this modern ‘what if’ scenario.